Post-mortem analysis is the investigation and root cause analysis conducted after an incident or failure. It identifies contributing factors, lessons learned, and corrective actions, fostering continuous improvement, transparency, and accountability. Post-mortem analysis is essential in SRE, DevOps, and IT service management, leveraging blameless culture, structured methods like Five Whys, and tools like Jira, Confluence, and PagerDuty, enhancing resilience, trust, and performance in mission-critical systems.


Use Cases

Incident Recovery

  • Objective: To determine the root causes and contributing factors of service outages or performance degradation.
  • Scope: Crucial for any mission-critical services that experience downtime.
  • Advantage: Helps prevent recurrence of similar incidents and improves system resilience.

Security Breach Analysis

  • Objective: To assess the circumstances, vectors, and impact of a security breach.
  • Scope: Vital for systems handling sensitive information, financial data, or user authentication.
  • Advantage: Aids in strengthening security measures and ensures better preparedness for future attacks.

Software Release Failures

  • Objective: To evaluate unsuccessful software deployments or rollbacks.
  • Scope: Relevant when new features, updates, or patches result in system instability or user issues.
  • Advantage: Contributes to a more robust release process, reducing risks associated with future deployments.

Capacity Planning

  • Objective: To review system performance during peak usage or stress conditions.
  • Scope: Useful for services that require high availability and scalability.
  • Advantage: Provides insights into resource allocation, helping to optimize for cost and performance.

Cultural and Process Insights

  • Objective: To identify process failures or human factors contributing to incidents.
  • Scope: Applicable across organizational structures and workflows.
  • Advantage: Encourages a culture of accountability and continuous improvement, which is essential for Agile and DevOps environments.

